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Accademia delgi Sdegnati / dello Sdegno

Cooper seems to identify this Accademia with the circle or network for which Tolomei's program was conceived. But this network spread over at least three accademies in which several of its members were working on different topics like the Accademia della Virtù, the re-founded Accademia Romana, the Accademia de lo Studio de l'Architettura and the Accademia dello Sdegno or degli Sdegnati. 

Cooper 2013 (Position 1606 in the eBook version):

"Tolomei, who gave the Academy direction by prescribing the study of Vitruvius and of the topography and antiquitites of Rome.[Fn 79] Tolomei drew up a vast programme of research for his colleagues and sought a patron for the enterprise, writing to François I in 1543, soliciting his support. In this circle Philandrier developed his interest in Vitruvius, on whom in 1544 he published in Rome an important commentary. [Fn 80] This initiative probably explains why Tolomei's colleague, Marliani, dedicated to the king the second enlarged edition of his monumental Topographia antiquae Romae, [Fn 81] and why D'Armagnac commisioned a specially illuminated copy of it to be presented to the monarch."

Fn 79: [Pagliara 1986: 67–74]; [Cooper 1997.2: 239–243]; [Lemerle (2000.2): 16]

The Accademia dello Sdegno seems to have consisted of Italian members of Tolomei's network who were enraged (sdegnati) about the plundering of Roman Antiquities by foreigners like the French cardinals, who took many pieces of art out of Italy to France. Sdegnati like Ligorio seem to have fought against the plundering of their homeland and the exploitation of its treasures. On the other hand, the same cardinals supported the excavations leading to many important findings like the Fasti Capitolini, or employed and paid artists, archaeologist, antiquarians etc. for their work on these topics. Therefore, it is obvious that the relations inside the network of so many persons with different interests – as one would expect – and the work of these academies  did not go without conflicts.