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Florence, St Apollonia, Portal

The portal of St Apollonia (Tolnay 1951, Pl. 208) was believed to be by Michelangelo in the early seventeenth century when a French architect made a sketch from it („Destailleur“, codex in the Staatliche Kunstbibliothek, Berlin-Charlottenburg, reported by Geymüller 1904, p. 34n), and the old guides of Florence repeat the attribution, which may be based on the fact that Michelangelo donated sketches for the lost altar of the church (Vasari, V, p. 344; Thode 1908, II, p. 137). Wachler (1940, pp. 183 f.) discovered drawings (Uffizi, Arch. 3018, 3019; ibid. Fig. 118) that prove Giovannantonio Dosio to have been the designer, a conclusion reached independently by Paatz (1952,pp. 211, 219) on stylistic grounds.