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Sie sind hier: Startseite / Bibliography / Christensen 2014 / 5


"Giovanni Battista’s focus on the terminology indeed corresponds to Vitruvius’s text, which is strongly dominated by architectural terms especially on the first half page directly next to the drawing in the margin (fig. 3)."

Could there be any other way (to understand the connection of the terms used by Vitruvius to built architecture) then by linking the words to a drawings? In general: Could there be at all any other way of representing the connection between words and visible objects? – And: of course Vitruvius' text "is strongly dominated by architectural terms" – what else should we expect in an architectural treatise complemented by (the now lost) illustrations?

"Between Vitruvius’s account of the Ionic cap- ital and entablature are four interleaved pages that present a pause from Vitruvius’s text, an intermezzo, where, on each page, Giovanni Battista draws one Ionic capital each time represented from a different angle."

Is an empty page (or a group of empty pages) really an "intermezzo"? An intermezzo is a piece inserted between to others, not an "empty whole" to be filled by the reader (or listener in an opera, where the term comes from). An intermezzo is the opposite of a pause, because its purpose is to fill the "empty" pause!