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  • [Berckenhagen 1970, S.25–26] „Grundriss, perspektivische Ansicht des Innenraums, Teilaufriss und ar- [/] chitektonische Details vom Tempel des Mars und Grabtempel vor der Porta Latina, recto und verso, 585 × 425“
  • [Fairbairn 1998, S. 532] Kommentar zu „fol.3r“: „Anonymous draughtsman of Codex Destailleur D, Berlin, KB, Codex Destailleur D, fol. 69r (plan and half-elevation with dimensions; the wall behind the tomb is not shown on the plan), fol. 69v (perspectival view of the interior of the tomb, partially excavated, giving dimensions and showing the stuccoed barrel vault)."
  • [Fairbairn 1998, S. 532] Kommentar zu „fol.3v“: „Anonymous draughtsman of Codex Destailleur D, Berlin, KB, Codex Destailleur D, fol. 69r (a half-elevation from above the door with details of the profile of the pediment and an oblique projection of the cornice), fol. 69v (details of the simplified acanthus Composite capital of the main order, the full acanthus Composite capital of the order above the door and the Corinthian capital of the window.)“