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Sie sind hier: Startseite / Bibliography / Campbell 2004.1 / Bd. 3 / 943 = A.IX / 3, S. 943

943 = A.IX / 3, S. 943

Am Ende des Kommentars zur Katalognummer 382 (Vaulted ruins of the Baths of Diocletian, Rom: view) findet sich folgender Hinweis:

"The most extensive and accurate drawings of the Baths of Diocletian are those by the Albertina Anonymous Italian 'C' (Valori 1985, pp. 117–25, nos. 25–29), Andrea Palladio (Zorzi 1958, p. 70f., no. 6, figs 126–135), and those by one or more French draughtsmen in the Berlin Codex Destailleur 'D', fols 40–52 (Berckenhagen 1970, p. 24)."