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  • [Fairbairn 1998, Bd. II, S. 534] Kommentar zu "fol. 9v" des Orazio Porta zugeschriebenen MS 5105 der Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Venedig: "Anonymous French copyist of one of the draughtsmen of Codex Destailleur D, third quarter of the 16th century, Vienna, Albertina, Egger no. 148, inscribed pierre 5 (section showing six floors without the orders; Egger 1903, p. 46)."
    • Kommentar: Keine Begründung für die Datierung in das 3. Viertel des 16. Jahrhunderts!
  • [Fairbairn 1998, Bd. II, S. 534] Kommentar zu "fol. 9v" des Orazio Porta zugeschriebenen MS 5105 der Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Venedig: "Anonymous French copyist of one of the draughtsmen of Codex Destailleur D, Vienna, Albertina, Egger no. 147, inscribed premiere plante - la seconde plante (plan of the ground and first floors [des Septizoniums – B.K.]; the wall at the front of the plan on the ground floor is much thicker and no trabeation is shown; Egger 1903, p. 46); Egger no. 148 (plan of the second storey; Egger 1903, p. 46."