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Pinelli, Gian Vincenzo

Persons known by name

Pinelli, Gian Vincenzo

Pinelli, Gian Vincenzo

  • born in 1535 – 3 August 1601 (1601-08-03)
  • botanist but also related to many other emerging scientific fiels, e.g. he was a mentor of Galileo Galilei
  • though not directly connected to the Roman accademia, he stood in close relation with many of its members or members of its wider network
  • friend with Fulvio Orsini
  • was a heir of Luca Ghini (like Ulysse Aldrovandi, so there may be another connection to the Roman network over Aldrovandi)
  • very important collector of books and prints: some 10.000 books, at least 8440 printed
  • among the important contemporary persons he was connected to are (accoring to the DBI entry):