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Winghe, Philipp van

Persons known by name

Winghe, Philipp van

Philipp van Winghe

  • †1592 in Florenz
  • Neffe Antoine Morillons
  • Collector of epigraphic inscriptions
  • [Heuser 2003: 110]
    • Winghe owned copies after Codex Coburgensis which were not depending on the copies of the Codex Pighianus [Wrede/Harprath 1986: 108f]; [Magnusson 1988]; [Harprath 1989: 140]; [Wrede 1989 (Codices(: 144]; [Wrede 1989 (Opera): 384] => he may have copied the originals from Codex Coburgensis from his uncle Morillon.