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Aldrovandi, Ulysse

Persons known by name

Aldrovandi, Ulysse

Ulysse Aldrovandi

  • 1522–1605 
  • "nephew" of Ugo Boncompagni, the later Pope Gregory XIII. (Ugo was a cousin of Aldrovandi's mother, not her brother.)
  • was born in Bologna, so he may have had connections to Achille Bocchi and his circle and/or other antiquarians and artists from Bologna.
  • Author of the book on ancient statues in the Roman collections, written (according to the author) in Rome in 1550.
  • He must have had access to these collections, usually owned by rich antiquarians and cardinals or bishops, during his stay in Rome.
  • His book lacks any illustrations, which makes it possible that a separate edition with images was planed but never executed. Preparations for such a volume on statues may survive in the collection of drawings by Jacopo Strada and his workshop (Vienna, ÖNB, Codex Miniatus 21,2) or in the drawings by (Giovanni) Battista Franco.
  • entry in the Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani
  • Lucio Mauro's book including Aldrovandi's Delle Statue was dedicated by the printer Ziletti to Giulio Martinengo della Pallada from the same Martinengo family to which the mother of Rodolfo Pio da Carpi belonged; therefore, a book on the statues of which many were found in Pio's garden, would be justified to be dedicated to Giulio Martinengo.
  • Aldrovandis Buch(beitrag) was accompanied by his editor Ziletti with indices to easily find the descriptions of the statues and to help with their interpretation. (Maybe a result of a systematic influence from the Accademia?
  • [Daly Davis / Aldrovandi 2009: 10] The praise of Pio's garden is unusual in Aldrovandi's book (pp. 309-310): "Benche sia stato questo luogo delitioso e bello, assai lodato da molti dotti scrittori, non si puo nondimeno della sua gran vaghezza credere, se non da quelli, che visto l'hanno perche, come si dice et è in effetto cosi: questo bel giardino è un'unico essemplar, dal quale hanno à torre il modello tutti quelli, che vogliono, ò pensano di far in contado villa, che habbia à piacere".
  • Aldrovandi met Paolo Giovio in 1549 (or slightly later) and was inspired by him to start is collections of natural objects.
  • On February 5, 1582, Aldrovandi wrote a letter regarding the interpretation of Plautus to Sigonio.